Welcome to the June Edition of the Jewish Future Pledge Newsletter Pledges to date: The Jewish Future Pledge reached 20,160 pledgers, and the Jewish Youth Pledge now has 14,266 Youth Pledgers! What Jewish values did your father pass down to you? For one pledger, this was the value of derech eretz, or respecting yourself and others. For another, it was the belief that deeper meaning in life was the path to happiness. For Rabbi David Wolpe, the 18,000th signer of the Jewish Future Pledge, it was the mantra that our Jewish world is large enough that everyone can find and support a Jewish institution they are passionate about. This Father’s Day, take a moment to reflect. Remember the beliefs your father (and mother) held and the traditions they shared, then use our conversation guide to help start your own discussion about the Jewish Future. By honoring the memories and traditions of our Jewish fathers, we can ensure their values live on. 
Pledger Spotlight: Marvin Blum

Marvin and his daughter Lizzy Savetsky signed the pledge this year. View their video of why they signed here. As a father, how did you approach teaching your children about Judaism? I wanted to live by example. Research has shown that your kids watch you far more than they listen to you. I wanted them to take pride in their heritage and to embrace their role as a link in the chain, and to not feel resentment or pressure tied to their Jewish life and identity. How can estate planning and charitable giving bring families closer together? Studies have shown that the more you know about your ancestry and the obstacles your family has overcome, the more equipped you are to handle adversity when you face it. In today’s very fragile world, the family “glue” is philanthropy. Intentional philanthropy and legacy letters provide a way for families to unite, make decisions together, stay linked, and bond over supporting causes meaningful to the family as a whole. Learn more about Marvin’s story here, and also check out his blog about Family Legacy Planning here. How To: Write Your Own “Love, Grandpa” Letter 
Writing a legacy letter to those most important to you is a critical, intentional step in passing down family traditions. Even if the letter isn’t kept forever, the wisdom and love it shares will be. Here are four common threads to help you write your legacy letter: - Your “Why” - beliefs and feelings you hold dear.
- Praise and Thanks - thoughts about what the people you hold closest mean to you, and why you feel that way.
- Your Family Story – your family (hi)story and the values you learned from it.
- Your Jewish Life - your role and relationship with your Jewish culture and faith.
Looking for more insights into writing your “Love, Grandpa” letter? Check out this article. New and Newsworthy 
David Wolpe: Fearless Rabbi – Jewish Journal The power of incremental change – eJewish Philanthropy He’s raised half a billion for charities. Meet Yitzi Bude – The Jewish Chronicle |